Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! No matter where you are in the world you can study each course from the comfort of your own home with no deadlines or timescales.
Yes you can! All of our courses are suitable for both beginners as well as experienced and practicing therapists. We don’t assume that you have any pre-existing knowledge and we tell you (and show you, via on-line video-clips) everything you need to know. The only exception is with Reiki 2 and Reiki Masters (see course pages for details).
During a practical (attendance) course you see demonstrations and receive instructions on all techniques. You are supervised and assessed as you both give and receive a full treatment. The on-line test is the same as in home learning and the certificate or diploma is awarded upon successful completion of both the practical training and the theory test.
A home learning course offers you the opportunity to study the techniques at home using the course manual and access to the online videos of techniques (where available) with help and advice offered as required via email. As soon as the on-line test has been passed (but not before) home learning students studying for a diploma will have access to the on-line client form and case study form in order to complete their required case study. The diploma is awarded upon successful completion of the case study.
The Home Use Option is ideal if you are wanting to learn for yourself, and if you'd like to offer treatments to friends, family and loved ones. The Home Use option is not a professional qualification and so is less expensive than a Certificate.
The Certificate Option is ideal for those too busy to attend a practical training course but who would like a qualification allowing them to deliver the treatment of their choice professionaly. This option involves pre-study, online theory test and a small portfolio of client consultation forms and case studies. To receive your accredited Certificate you will need to have passed your theory test.
There are several ways we can ensure that we teach you everything you need to know:
Firstly: When you pay for your course you are given immediate access to your training manual (which you can download from the secure student area of our website). After studying the manual you can then complete the on-line test for your course. This ensures that you are fully familiar with the course material before you begin your case study. Our home learning therapy courses contain exactly the same information which is presented to students during on-site (attendance) courses.
Secondly: There is no time limit so you can take as much or as little time as you need to complete.
Thirdly: Some courses are supported by FREE online video clips which show you each of the techniques in detail. These tutorial files are available to view via our Vimeo channel.
A PDF version of your manual is included free with each course. If you prefer to have a printed manual then once you have purchased any course you can log on to the student area of the website and order a copy of your manual from our publishers. This is a separate transaction and each manual is individually priced according to the number of pages it contains. The manuals cost between £15.00-£25.00 (excluding post and packaging).
Detailed and fully illustrated training manual (electronic PDF)
Photographs of the therapy and techniques (in the manual)
FREE Access to online videos of techniques (where applicable)
On-line case study sheets, client consultation form(s) and test paper
Support information and guidelines for study
Free entry into our Worldwide online therapist directory
Diploma upon successful completion of the course
CPD points awarded to each course
Discounts available after your first course via the student area
There are many benefits to studying via Home Learning:
1. You can study in comfort and privacy.
2. You can take as long as you like to do the course(s).
3. You have no travelling expenses to pay.
4. You have no need to take time off work.
5. You don't have to hire a babysitter.
6. You may study at the most convenient times for you.
7. You can study at the right pace for you.